
How do I explain this to my daughter?

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Shes 14. and i think were ready for the "talk"

I looked for what i should tell her, i was informed that she had gotten her period, while she was at a sleepover, the mom called.

and this is what i have to explain to her:

Masturbation & s*x.

Ugh this is hard, because she`s in highschool, but i already think she knows this, but i think she needs to know more than what she was "informed" about already.. Im an RN.

Dont say she`ll find out on her own, i dont need her comming home pregnant.





  1. Alright now here is how you do it take her to the couch set her down (preferably if shes not doing anything this way she also knows you respect her) and ask 1 to 3 questions and let her answer everyone of them slowly. Don't go with the big questions: do you know what masturbation is? this way she does not feel so uncomfortable to where she wants to leave the room. but the one thing you have to do yourself is just be confident. of course there is a chance she might get to uncomfortable anyway, so if that happens make sure before she leaves tell her that she is to the point where she needs to know this by her parents not just the school. if none of this advise is good for your situation don't give up. GOOD LUCK!

  2. hmm well im 16 and i never got the talk i just kinda learned on my own... i wish someone would of told me things before...

    i wouldnt sit her down and be like we need to talk like they do in the movies or whatever.. i would just have a normal conversation with her like in the car or something, but make it a little more serious then normal but keep it open let her talk to.. i honestly hate it when my mom doesnt let me get one word in.. :)

    i hope this helps

  3. Wow. I'd hate my mom if she started talking about masturbation. Lol. Okay I am 15 and I know absolutely everything through health class. But if my mom were to come talk to me I'd want her to have a conversation with me and not trying to inform me.

    "I know that in high school a lot of kids your age make choices that affect their whole life, such as having s*x. You used to only have to worry about getting pregnant and now you have so much more such as STD's or cervical cancer. I just want you to know that soemtimes it is better to wait it out and I am always here to talk."

  4. Don't tell her masturbation is bad because that will mess her up for a long time. Masturbation is healthy and natural. Plus, it's the best method of birth control!

  5. Tell her the truth. Tell her everything you wish someone would have told you. If I had a daughter, I'd tell her all the stuff my mom told me, and it kept me pregnancy and STD free.

    1. (You may not do this with her, but this is what my mom did) When you decided you are going to have s*x, whenever that is, let me know so I can put you on the pill. Also, you can get pregnant ANYTIME, even during your period. There is never a "safe" day.

    2. Always use condoms, no matter what. Boys/men will do or say anything to get out of wearing a condom: "I'm a virgin, I just took some antibiotics so if I had anything I'd be fine, I'm allergic to latex, don't you trust me?" Never listen to them. And, if they refuse, do NOT have s*x with them. Simple as that.

    3. s*x is not as great as they make it out to be in the movies, especially your first time. It's awkward, embarrassing, and between pregnancy and diseases, a lot of hassle. The point is, if you are going to do it, don't do it with just anyone. It'll be a lot nicer with someone you KNOW cares for you.

    4. Pee when you are done, UTI's are annoying.

    5. Masturbation, everyone does it, no one talks about it, lock your door.

    Between school and the internet, I'm sure she knows the whole fallopian tube, ovary, sperm meets egg thing. Now, you might not agree with the way my mom handled things. But, we are not religious people. My mom was more concerned with keeping her kids safe and happy than with keep us virgins. I like to think we all did pretty well for ourselves (college grads with great careers). It's up to you now. Good luck!

  6. well start it off by saying, you probably already know about what we are about to talk about, but i want you to have your facts straight, and know the possible conciquences. let ehr  know you are not trying to scare her, but   you would like her to be informed and  make  responsible decisions. explain and talk about every thing,  and  give her time to answer.  do this in a room away from other family members, and  your husband, becasue this may  embarrass her and she might not want any one to over hear if she has any questions. have anote pad ready, and tell her that if she  is to embarrassed to  come out  and ask  questions, to  write it down, i would leave the note  pad with her over night, and  remind her the next day if she  was done  with it. just dont lose your cool, and  dont act nervous, they pick up on that stuff. and you dont want her to feel embarrased or   think it  embarrasses you  so then she is afraid to talk about it with you in the future. let ehr know that  she can come to you with any thing. and you wont turn her away, and you will love her just the tis is hard to hear, but this will help with her not coming home prego,  tell her that when  she is ready to have s*x let you know  so you can  get some type of birth control for  her. its better to get  preventatives than not, when she is ready. and  honestly  it is not for you to decide when she is ready or not.  the hard fact is that kids are doing it younger and younger now a days. and it is better to be safe than sorry.  good luck, andi  know i am already dreading the day   i have to sit my daughters down for this. but this is my plan.

  7. trust me, we know a lot more than you think we do, unfortunately...dont give her this talk. it could make her very resnentful, quiet, and hostile against you. they teach us everything we need to know at school, then we get the rest just for being alive in this day and age. don't worry.

  8. Hi, I'm 20 years old and i had to give the talk to my 16 year old brother i know you might be thinking that I'm too young and its none of my business but i actually gave hI'm "the talk" when i was 16 and he was 13 because they were going to talk to him in school and my mother was in the hospital. All that i told him was the same things they told me in school and it worked for me. He now lives with me and my husband and hes a great uncle he talks to me about everything. I guess what im saying is try and tell her in the most comfortable way for you and after that try and communicate with her more shell later talk to you when she has something on her mind.

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