
How do I explain this to my friend?

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I have been playing golf for a long time and my best friend just started playing. I belong to country clubs and golf courses and we have been to the driving ranges and to a few par 3s and it took us forever to playy because she is just starting. She played with her dad and it took them like 3 hours to play 4 holes!!! Anyway, so Sunday me and my boyfriend, my other friend and my brother are going to play at the country club and my best friend won't talk to me because I won't let her come. OK first of all, the country club doesn't do 5-somes. And they maintain a pace of play, and she is just a beginner and you never take a beginner out to play 18 holes like that. So now she isn't talking to me because she thinks that I think she sucks, and I don't know how to explain to her that she needs to work with her swing and stuff before she goes and plays like that.

Thanks :)




  1. You could just go play some executive course with her and give her some pointers. Hopefully you choose a date/time where the golf course is empty. I've actually been paired with two women once, one was simply amazing and the other simply sucked. Another thing you can teach her is pace of play, I see alot of beginners that will line up a shot for about 3 or 4 minutes, take a step back, walk to their bag/cart pull a different club and then take another 3 or 4 minutes. Let her know that her pace of play is determined by how well she can strike the ball, if she can't strike it well, the people behind your group will either get angry or ask to play through.

  2. i love to play golf too..... what i would do is just tell her the truth... tell her that instead of playing go to the driving range and hit balls  that way she can practice and get better. Tell her to take some time to get the hang of it before she starts to play. then once she is better take her and play golf.... also give her pointers and teach her about pace of play

  3. I think that you should next time when you go golfing with your friends take her with you.  And tell her she can come and watch you play and drive the golf cart at the country club.

  4. Get a rule book  and tell your friend to read Section I Etiquette; Behavior on the course. That pretty much sums up what a novice should know before she /he even step onto a golf course. Then suggest that she take a few lessons and at least practice on the range until she can get each shot airborne. If she is still mad at you, such is life. At least she should realize she was not neglected.

  5. First, explain about not being able to play in more than four.

    Second, do as Googie suggests.

    Third, take her to play at a municipal course, and every time there is a clear fairway in front of you, and a group catches you, let them play through.  She'll soon learn that she needs to learn how to play faster.

    Finally, for her next birthday, get together with some friends, and give her a parcel of lessons.

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