
How do I explain this to my siblings?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so my 9 year old sister had a seizure today. At like almost 9, I was just about to put the kids in their PJs, and she fell to the ground. I put the other kids in their beds quickly (clothes and all). She and my mom went right to the hopstial. When I went in to get them back in their PJs, they were all sleeping. Now I need to get them up, put their PJs on, because my aunt is picking us up in 40 minutes. How do I explain to them what happened to their sister?




  1. Awww. That's tough. Tell them sissy had a little switch go off in her brain for a second and it made her have a seizure. But tell them that's not uncommon and many people have seizures. But they have to go the ER to make sure they are Okay.

  2. Don't scare them.  Just tell them sister is sick and she had to go to see the doctor to get all better.  Little ones don't need to know all the details, they can't do anything about it.  I'm sorry and I hope your sister feels better soon.

  3. that your sister had a problem and mommy is taking her to get it fixed and to make her better

    and im sorry about your sister

  4. Only if they directly ask.

    Until you and your mom know more why scare them?

    Don't lie to them and tell them something you don't know for a fact, like she'll be fine . .. or the doctor will fix her. A seizure is a pretty good indication of something serious, your siblings are going to need to lean on you now and maybe in the future, you want them to be able to come to you and trust you to tell them the truth right. . . . .

    If they directly ask. . . . .Sit down with them all together and tell them that your sister needed to go to the doctor, that they need to do tests before they have any answers, maybe a lot of test and that may take some time, but as soon as you know what is going on, you will be up front and honest with them. And then, follow Thur with that promise.

    sound like you're a great big sis. The young ones will look to you for honesty and direction.

  5. tell them she got sick and mom had to take her to the dr., but that everything should be fine.

    good are a wonderful help to your mom, more than you know!!

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