
How do I explain to my 4 year old what his daddy does? And why he can't go to work with him.?

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i recently married a wonderful man who happens to be a Marine. And he adopted my two children. He will be leaving next month and my child wants to go with his daddy. how do I tell him that he can't go, that it is way to dangerous for him to go with?




  1. i think you should make up a story about him and say he has to save people as a marine and lyk make it up so he knows that his father is doing a good job and which he is and then he will calm down and they will surely be able to talk on the phone ect and so yeah.

  2. important to give him reasurance

    and let him know it's got nothing to do with him

    and isn't his fault

    it's just the job

    and make sure he understands that he is loved

    but you couldn't even go if yuo wanted

    and the job is dangerous

    so your husband can't have any distractions

    or else he might get hirt

  3. I have explained (several times) to my sons (2 and 4) that their daddy is a soldier.  Sometimes he has to go to work for a day, sometimes he has to go to work for a week, a month, a year or longer.  And work is just not a place for children, since sometimes daddy has to deal with very grown up things that they will understand when they get older.

    Before my husband left last time, I video taped him reading the boy's bedtime stories, and telling them he loved them and such, and played it every night.  I also took a lot of recent pictures, framed them and hung them around the house at a level where they would be easy to look at (my walls looked very silly).  It helped them a lot, though I will admit it was tough to watch him sometimes because I missed him so badly I wanted to reach through the screen!

    Good luck to you and your children, a deployment is hard, but if you keep yourselves really busy, the time will pass quicker.

  4. You need to delicately explain that, your son can't go with his father, to work.  That his father's workplace is, not a place your son would want to be.

  5. Tell him the truth, that his daddy is a marine and that his job is a dangerous one. Reassure him that it has nothing to do with him and that his dad's job is just not the kind people can visit, that even you can't go to work with him. Then explain (if he gets scared that the job is dangerous) that his daddy knows what he is doing and will be fine. Good luck!

  6. That's a very delicate situation. A child that age needs to feel comforted personally. I would say that daddy is going to protect your family and everyone else. Let him know how special and brave his daddy is. As for him wanting to go. Tell him that if he goes with him you and your other child will be sad. And make sure his dad talks to him about how he needs to be brave for his daddy and protect his mommy and sibling

  7. as hard as it will be the best way to tell them is to just say that the father is goingg to help some very special people and if u go they will be frightened because they don'tknowo himthat'ss how my mother explained it to mewhenn I was young and my dad went into the navy  

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