
How do I explain to my Mom Jumping a Horse is okay?

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My Mom refuses to let me jump and that's what I really want to do. How do I explain to my Mom its not really that dangerous trotting over cross rails 18" off the ground. Its not like I am going to be jumping 3ft anytime soon!




  1. Have her talk to your trainer. Tell her that you will wear any safety gear that she wants you to wear. Maybe even have your trainer jump to show her that you will be okay. :)

  2. How do I explain to my Mom Jumping a Horse is okay?

    well, if you tel her that as long as you ger  agood run up, you will clear the horse and not land on it and hurt it.

    id use a springboard though, as horses are really high!

  3. Well she probualy dosnt know... tell her everything is dangerous in life... jumping is a sport... try showing her videos on you tube or something...  

  4. She is obviously scared at the possibly that you can get injured. It is a very dangerous sport, try riding horses than maybe in a few years you can start training. Sorry I had to tell you that.

  5. just wear a jumping vest, ive jumped 5 ft before, and ive never injured myself jumping.

    if your trained right, and have good balance, youl be fine

  6. Well, your mom is your mom and she's looking out for your safety. And the truth is, jumping can be dangerous. Make sure you have a competent trainer, then let the trainer discuss it with your mom. Maybe they can come to an understanding. But if your mom is dead-set on no, you're going to have to accept it and focus your interest on something else. (maybe dressage or western?) When you are 18 and on your own, then you can take it up if you want.

  7. Parents like it when you convince them by showing responsibility. Look into jumping safety and show your parents that you did your research. Investigate all safety equiment, maybe agree to wear a helmet and vest. If you don't have a coach, maybe save your money so that your first jumping experiences are in lessons, where someone else is looking after you. Show your parents that, although there is danger in jumping, you are prepared to make it the safest experience possible for yourself.

    Good luck :) I hope this helps. Parents can be frustrating, but remember they're just worried about your safety.  

  8. Jumping horses is fine, I do it all the time.  Your mom is just looking out for you.  Horse back riding is a extremely dangerous sport (any discipline), You can be leading a horse from it's stall and be killed (I don't know any cases of this, but they are perfectly capable to do so).  Unfortunately people have died jumping horses, it doesn't happen too often, but it happens.  Every time I jump I wear a jump vest and a helmet (I would hope you would wear a helmet every time you ride) for safety, you never know what might happen.  Let your mom know that you know how dangerous it is and the risks of it, let her know you except the challenges of it and you are ready.  Even going over 18" is a risk, but your mom need to figure out that things happen, odds are nothing will happen over 18", but it's certainly a possibility.  Have your trainer talk to your mom as well, she/he will explain everything to her.  I hope you get to jump, it's a great experience, every rider should at least learn the basics of it.  Good luck!

  9. Be sure to always wear a jumping vest. Let her know that riding horses is already a dangerous and that every great rider is going to take a fall sometimes. Tell her you will do Hunter (which you usually don't jump as high for it is more so focused on posture) and that you will always be safe. Let her know this is what you really want to do!

  10. my mom was definitely not ok with me jumping when i first started riding. but what i told her is that my trainers know what they're doing - they'd never have me jump anything too high at first and it'd all be in a safe environment. i also had my trainers talk to her and convince her that i was ready to move up. now, i jump as high as 3 ft 9 and my mom's totally ok with it!  

  11. hehe I've got the same problem. My mom's insanely overprotective, and although I've been riding for 11 years and am 15 years old, she still won't let me jump.

    I've given up asking her, and since she drops me off at my barn, I just take my horse and jump her anyways. And I have gone 3 feet. :)

    I'd recommend doing the same. The less your parents know, the better. Ask one of your friends to help you learn to jump, then just do it anyway.

  12. I wouldn't bug her about it for awhile.  Let her be for a couple of weeks and then bring up a proposition.  Ask her if you can jump wearing a jumping vest. Also, invite her to watch you learn to jump so she can feel like she is there to protect you. ANother good idea is to work something out where your trainer never has you move up to a higher height without getting approval from your mother.  That way she doesn't have to worry about you jumping too high and injuring yourself.

    GOOD LUCK :-)

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