
How do I explain to my dad it's not okay to feed my dog this stuff?

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My dad has recently become obsessed with saving money as much as possible (which is good I guess) but last night he discovered he could buy a big bag of kroger brand dog food for $5.

How can I explain to him it is NOT okay for our dog eat that c**p? His view is "if she'll eat the cat's throw up, she can eat this food" and "if you want different food for her, you buy it".....I'm not allowed to have a job, by the way, so I don't have money to buy her food.

I did have some money floating around my room so I got my cousin to take me to the store and bought some so i've got a few weeks to figure this out..... But ahhh...what do I do?




  1. I have had that exact same problem. It took me ages to explain to my parents that, no, pedigree puppy was NOTa very good food as the main ingredients were cereals and it only contains animal deririvitives.

    Eventually I just said, look this food is really bad, just get this food and she'll be much healthier (and this is the turning point) her poos will be much easier to pick up!

    That's what won my mum over.

    You should not have to pay for her food if it is the family dog.

    It also helps if a good brand of dog food is on special offer. Then your dad could see it was cheap ;)

  2. Since your dad is looking in terms of costs, you must put your argument back to him in terms of dollars.  Speak to your vet to help develop the longer term costs of feeding poor quality food / poor nutrition as it relates to vet care and chronic conditions.

  3. talk to Ur vet + explain the circs...

    perhaps they can explain that in food, U get WHAT U pay for.

    true for humans, too...  

  4. Sweetie, if your dad is in a really bad financial situation and he has to chose between feeding his kids quality food or his dog quality food of course he will feed his family first. This may be a temporary situation, your dog will not die from eating that food for a couple of months....and yes using your babysitting money to feed your dog high quality food would be a good way for you to help your dad during a tough phase and definitely help your dog.  

  5. Find a website that says how bad this stuff is and show him it and he may realize that your dog should not be eating this!

  6. tell him it makes the dog sick and name a better brand off to him?

  7. Explain to him that your dog eats less of the high quality dog food.  Dogs have to eat more of the cheap stuff to get filled up.  So a bag of the higher quality food will last longer than the cheap stuff!

  8. If your at least 16 then you should have a job. I don't get why your dad is so against you sparing his wallet by buying dog food with your own money.

    Same here though, I had to convince my parents that pedigree healthy maturity was c**p. Tell him with high quality food you feed less since it's more nutrient dense

  9. Tell your dad that he will save money in the long run if he buys the better foods for your dog.  If he feeds her good food, she will more likely not need to go to the vet as much.  A healthier dog means more money in your pocket!  Good luck!  

    PS. if he agrees, ask him buy the more organic foods, with whole ingredients in them.  

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