
How do I explain to my girlfriend's dad how I feel about her, without pissing him off?

by  |  earlier

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I love her so much, and I know we will always be together, but he is extremely over protective, and it is a huge hassle to even go on a date with her..




  1. Try these things:

    Send her flowers at home (not red roses, too sexual - try pink), Send her a card in the mail with a sweet but non-sexual message (they'll probably read it), go to the door (never honk from the car!) when you pick her up, ask your parents if you can have their family over for dinner and ask them to call and arrange it. When you call her house, say hello to whomever answers and ask them how they are doing, don't just say "hi is so-and-so there" like a doof.

    If you think you can handle it, the very best thing you can do to establish trust is to ask for a chance to sit with her parents. Be polite and respectful, shake hands, smile, give good eye contact. Ask the parents questions about them, what does he/she do for a living? How long have they been married? Compliment their home, his vehicle if it's nice. Open a conversation about sports or cars or books or movies. Just treat them like you genuinely want to get to know them better. Make them feel liked.  

  2. The best way is to be respectful of him and try to obey his rules.  Once you prove you are trustworthy, it is entirely possible he will relax a bit.  

    If there is some particular subject about which he is passionate--sports, the perfection of his front lawn, vintage cars--ask him a few questions and listen to the answers.  If you and this girl are always going to be together, then ultimately, you are going to be part of her family and that includes her dad.  Anything you can do to build a positive relationship with him (and her mom,) will show that you are mature and serious about this girl.  Show him that and share future career goals (and how you plan to get there.)  

    His goal for his daughter is for her to have a mature, loving, and financially secure husband for her, one who will be a good father to his grandchildren and who will help look after the family when he's no longer able.  It's understandable that this may be more than you have thought about, but this is what is in the back of his mind.  

  3. Tell him she gives the best s*x you ever had.

  4. if u lik/love her

    then just sit down wit him nd say sir i love/lik ur daughter

    im sory if u cant understand it but i just do

    i love her/like her...

    if u dont lik/love her then u dont hav to say anything to him

  5. 1. if you really love her than nothing should stop you especially a dad

    dad's are just scared because of their ".little princess's" growing up and its usually very hard for them, so you should talk to him but be sympathetic towards him and imagine what is like to be in his position

    but at the same time make sure he knows you are a good guy and that you will be great for his daughter

    this should help, if not im sorry

    Im Trying


  6. Ok you know the deal on dads. they want the best for their daughters and afraid of them and the world. just do it man to man. Invite him out , where its just you and him, explain you feelings in the most decent way. let him know you care for her and wants whats best for her and wont hurt her. also say " i know you are very protective of your daughter but honestly sir, i wont hurt her, actually i respect her very much " and so on....


    go to the house and talk to him privately. if he's understanding , he will understand . let him know your parents. dads love when the young me have stable backgrounds. or if its not like that , tell him about yourself . and stuff

  7. try starting off wit that u respect here a lot

  8. Daddys lil girl, huh? lol  Good luck getting through that shell.

    Maybe instead of telling him how you feel, show him. Let him see how good you treat her. Always be very respectful to him (always greet him when you see him and attempt small talk if possible), and especially be very respectful of your girlfriend in his presence. In time, he should see how much you appreciate and respect her and learn to relax more. If he seems sketchy still and wants verball confirmation of your intentions with his little girl, tell him how much you care about her and how much she means to you...and that you only have the best intentions for her.

  9. It's not that hard really... i told my bf what 2 say 2 my dad... well not 2 say but how 2 say it... just be forward with him but don't be 2 nasty... if u love her... tell him... but don't go off telling him that u wanna "f" her n c**p (cause some boys do that) or u 2 r planning on getting married anytime OR u 2 r going 2 run away... things like that will really p**s him off... it better to tell him the truth then for him to get negative thoughts bout you cause that doesn't help any :)...  if you two are planning on getting married... don't tell him now unless u r certain... say things like "i really like you daughter"... u no... :p

  10. well bring it on slowly by saying like i think ur daughter is the best i found and she makes me feel comfortable and i will make sure she is safe with me and make him feel like he can have his daughter in a good environment

                                                         hope this makes best answer

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