
How do I fatten myself up?! ?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so... here's the thing!

I eat a lot. Quite a lot. But I still can't pass by the 50kg mark. I'm 16 years old Asian. I'm super thin. My height is around 5' 4'' or something. I'm a dude!


And I used to be so chubby too!

Originally, I would have stated that I thinned out due to volleyball practices during december 'till early march but now, since I'm not doing anything, I kinda expected my stomach to increase in size but noo...

It didn't happen...

Anyways, can anyone help me be a bit fatter? :)

This is for my own good.

P.S >.> it's strange that many people actually WANT to have my thinness...





  1. Eat fatning ****...and full ur *** up with chilli fries...

    i dont know..that's what oprah winfrey did...

  2. A good supper every night should help as you burn up very few calories in your sleep.

    Plenty of fattening nuts should also help.

  3. get dumbbells

    start working out to make urself buffer, not fatter.

    Lift ur weights in sets....u should be able to do about 10 lifts at a weight and then rest for 2 minutes, then repeate 10 times....these weights should be heavy for u and provide a challenge to lift those many times.

    start pull-ups and pushups to develop ur chest muscles and triceps.

    look online for a workout program, and eat properly.

    for breakfast eat 2 eggs with meat and toast....just eat a lot of calories to provide ur body with what it needs to build the muscle...

    good luck

  4. try to stay on a protein diet. eat a lot of meats, nuts, and good carbs. drink protein shakes and increase your exercise in arm, leg, and ab muscles

  5. eat pie cake sugary stuff i mean i need to lose weight im 10yrs 5 ft 0 in and im 130 pounds so yeah i need to lose you need to gain

  6. If your female then get married.

  7. McDonalds

  8. Have you seen the "Super size me" video about the 1 month McDonald's binge... well ya

  9. I think it's possible that you have a fast metabolism, which is why whenever you try to eat a lot you don't gain weight.

    I don't think you should force yourself to fatten up because what's really important is that you're healthy.. :>

    but if you seriously want to get fat.. sweets + junk food + fast food!

  10. If you really want to get fatter do what sumo wrestlers do.  They generally only eat 1 meal per day to slow down there metabolism.  They have 1 huge meal with all there calories for the day.  Then to slow there metabolism even more they go to sleep after.  This is how they gain weight so easily.  I'm sure it would work for you too.

  11. Eat LOTS of food that are good, fattening and healthy! so you'll still be healthy! like.....ribs! YUM!

  12. Yes, McDonalds IS the way to go.

    Everyday sit at your computer for 16 hours straight.

    And eat McDonals, Ice Cream, and Chocolate. Don't move around and let that fat SIT IN YOU!

    Harsh, Sorry.

  13. If its just appearance that you're concerned with, trying wearing layers of undershirts beneath your clothing.  That will add some bulk.

  14. Go for schmicks dont wanna put loads of fat on.   eat good quality carbs and protein...

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