
How do I feel more like an adult?

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I'm a 22-year-old guy but I still feel like a kid. My friends are all working, going overseas, going to bars and I'm not doing any of those things. Until recently, I couldn't even use an ATM or a petrol station. I still live at home, I still play video games, and I'm just generally stuck in my comfort zone all the time.

So, how do I feel more like an adult? How do I become confident and independent and shake off my childhood once and for all?




  1. You're not alone.  I'm the same way.  I've been playing Mario RPG for the past 3 days.  I think the only way to grow up is to constantly seek information and try to learn new things by asking people in person or on yahoo.

  2. Set some realistic goals like getting a job, buying a car, moving out of home, finishing university,... and pursue them.  The only way that you are going to feel confident is if you go ahead and just do it. The only way to feel independent is to hang out with people who have jobs, flats, cars and listen to their advice.  The only way to shake off your childhood is to speak with your parents and other adults as though they are your equals, and make adult decisions based on what you and your peers (other adults) know.

  3. I know how you feel. Im 17 and 5 years ago I felt like I was the most mature person my age. I would get along better with people in their thirties better than my age. Everyone my age goes out, parties, city, bars, clubs, just hangin wit friends. Me I'm doin the same c**p I was doing when I was 12 except I upgraded my N64 to an xbox360. I use to think that it was the lack of a drivers linscine since I live in the suburbs that i didn't leave my house because I couldn't.

          since im usually better at giving advice then following it; get out of your house. Confindice- don't give a sh*****t what people say or think. All that matters is what you think, and your thinkin that you need to change. Start off just trying to meet new people. Find a place where people your age/people you can relate hang out. example a bar. Just start messing around. Think of your self as an adult. Doing things with friends can really boost your confindince. Start to or continue to hit on girls. Don't feel scared of rejection, cause what has changed if you fail. You can still go back home and play video games.

    I say good luck to you, i just wish i could follow my own advice!

  4. College?  It's my only answer. because I felt like that too.

    Even though I am married, I had no driver's license, no ged, nothing, except a house, husband and two kids.

    Last year I got my GED, this year I got my driver's license and I'm now enrolled into college and it's great!  I am 29yrs old and I feel like an adul, especially now since I know how to drive. College has opened a lot of doors and the state gives out awesome grants!

    Then again , it may not be your thing. It takes time and just find out what makes you happy, do it for yourself and no one else!

      Best of luck,

       Lisa Marie

  5. did you know that you are lucky cause the others that go to bars and to the other places  like malling like to always stay in house and not go malling did you know that the adults in our house like to relax even you are in your house you can feel like an adult.

  6. try to visit some personality development centre. Dont spoil you young stage staying inside home. be active.

  7. Just go to bars, do things that 22 year olds do-you've already mentioned what your problems are, so it clear. Just fix them!

  8. have s*x

  9. I wish I still felt like a kid.

  10. I'd suggest two things,

    1. you think you've a problem, going to a counselor or a social worker or psychologist could help you see how you can adjust and whether you're really not behaving like an adult should.

    2. get a job; having the responsibility of a job really helps out.

  11. take action in your life.

    get a job. earn some money to get a place of your own. take responsibility of yourself and get some independence. maybe you don't feel like an adult because you're doing the same exact things you were doing when you were 12.......

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