
How do I fight someone bigger then me?

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I'm 13 and I'm going to be fighting another 13 year old but he is at least 3-4 inches taller then me I think I could beat him but are there any tips on fighting someone bigger then you?




  1. Well first off Id do all I could to stop it if I could. No one ever comes out unscathed. Its better to talk it down if at all possible.

    IF not than you need to use your brains, speed, dodge and weave. Do not stay in one spot for him to grab you and make him wear himself down. You could do this and never even hit him and he could tire out on you.  Leg trips are awesome too if you do not want to hurt them.

  2. if you depend on your strength well its a 50/50 chance but, if you apply the yin yang philosophy you surely win. i mean use his own strength against him. don't attack first apply some AIKIDO techniques.  

  3. Watch the Karate Kid movie. Cheesy, but lots of good lessons for someone interested in fighting people.

    "If you have to fight, then you've already lost."

    ---Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  4. hey dont always worry about how much bigger he is than you alot of times bigger people dont know how to fight they take their size for granted but attack his knees and try not to let him get a hold of you and also if you puch him aim for his chin and the bridge of his nose good luck!

  5. Go to

    Look at the boxing article it tells you how to fight with a bigger aggressive opponent. Also look at muay-thai. Their is a kick in it called the front thrust kick. If you can land one of those on him, anywhere, its gonna hurt. Also if you're unaware of Jui-jitsu or fighting on the ground you may want to skim over that. There is one more thing, whenever you throw a punch, you want to aim about six inches deeper than just the face. Like you're punching through his head.

  6. Take him down.

  7. Use Krav Maga.

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