
How do I figure out how to mark off 10,000 sq ft on my property??

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So I have to have my land perked and we have to do the site map for the inspector to come out and perk the land. It says that I have to mark off a 10,000 sq ft area for the septic tank. There is like a million different dimensions I could use right? So what is the best? I know 1sq ft = 12"x12" Am I making this too hard on myself Now I wish I hadn't cheated so much in my math classes!.... HELLLLP!!!




  1. You need to know the local ordinances concerning the septic laws there... mainly you need to know the width of the required drain field and septic tank..New laws that i have seen need about a 50 foot width..After you find out the width that is required..then it is is simple..divide the width into 10,000 and this will give you the length ..then mark it off

  2. Well to begin with you need to know a septic system has to be a distance from a structure depending on your local building codes. If you'll call the person who is going to dig and set your tank, he will do all the work for you including getting the permits and inspection then you pay one bill.

    Sure beats a lot of unecessary work. But Length x width equals square feet.

  3. Calculate the perimeter with this formula:

    x^2 * y^2 = 10,000.  Put in a dimension for "x" to get "y".

    This will give you ranges from 1' X 10,000' (spaghetti farm?) to the square 100' X 100'.  

    To verify the square shape use Pythagoras's Theorem to calculate the hypotenuse.

  4. If you mark off 100x100 that is 10,000 or you could go 50x200 and so on.

  5. Length x width equals sq ft

    IE --- 60' x 100' = 6,000 sq ft.

    That's the way it was when I went to school.

    My Best

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