
How do I figure out my BMI??

by  |  earlier

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i weigh 54kg and i am 161cm tall

what's my BMI and please leave the formula or whatever





    There's a calculator there for adults, and one for children and teens. Fairly easy to use.  

  2. d**n i hate these d**n wiegtht loss ads ppl post... yout bmi could be found anyware on the internet.

    but you wouldnt be asking if you knew tht so ill just chek for you....

    so your 5'2 119lb for future refernce.

    your bmi would be..

    21.8 which i would say i GREAT  acording to them this is the way its looked at

        *  Underweight = <18.5

        * Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

        * Overweight = 25-29.9

        * Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

    so you see your right in the normals weights normal range ;)

    p.s if your wondering this becasue you think your fat ill be the first to say your most likly not....the computer does not lieeeee :D

  3. type BMI calculator in on google and you will find TONS of websites that can convert it for you :)

    but most of them go by pounds i think, so know what 54kg is in pounds first. i have no idea how much that is, but you can find a converter for that too.

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