
How do I file a complaint against a private practice doctor?

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My husband and I were treated horribly by a certain fertility doctor because we are hispanics.He made all kinds of derrogatory comments and even asumed we were on welfare and said that it can help feed the baby but will not pay for my treatment. We were going to pay in full and up front because we both work very hard and can afford it.I tried Better Bussiness but they said it was a human resource case, is there a medical association I can complain to? This was very humilliating and Id hate for someone else to be treated this way, being diagnosed with infertility is very stressful and painful enough as it is for you to go to the one person that can help you and be treated like c**p.I apprecciate everyones help, thank you.




  1. Gang up on him.

  2. I say just vote with your feet and go see a different doctor.

    If you must complain call the clinic and ask to speak to the owner, manager, etc. and tell them about your experience.

    You could post something about him on the following website:

    If it gets bad enough, just call John Edwards and talk dirty to him and he'll come running to "help" you...

  3. Each state has an office of professional misconduct.  You can go and file a complaint there.  Just do a web search looking for reporting medical misconduct in your state.  In NY it is the OPMC (office of professional misconduct).  

  4. As you asked this in the legal section, I will mention that there is no right to be treated politely.  If someone is rude to you, then you have the option of not doing business with that person, but that is about the extent of it.  If you feel the need to tell someone else about it, every physician is licensed by the state, but the licensing board is concerned with competence, not with politeness or business practices.  In fact, I would feel pretty confident in saying that there really is no one who cares about how you treated except you.  Feel free to tell your friends, but there is no politeness police.

  5. I'm sure there is a local lawyer that would be glad to take your case. If he thinks the case is strong and that you were discriminated against, he will likely take the case with no fees unless you win.

  6. The Doctor should be reported to the State Medical Board.


  7. go to police station, or call non emergency number

  8. definetly call the police and i suggest calling the director of the pharmacy or w/e he works at

  9. You take him to your state's medical board, and then sue him for human rights and civil rights abuse.

    Then you have your lawyer LEGALLY extort him for about 100 grand, pay your lawyer his 50% cut, and walk away with 50 large for your retirement savings plan or a week in Vegas.

    If he doesn't fork over the cash, your lawyer sends a copy of your statement of claim to all the daily and weekly newspapers within 150 miles, containing the graphic sexual accounts of the abuse that went on in his office.

    It's called hardball.

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