
How do I fill out the Parent income section of my FASFA. My mom is dead and I don't know anything about my dad

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Since my mom's death I have been living with my aunt and uncle but they don't have custody. My dad has never been in my life and I don't really know how to locate him ( a TRUE deadbeat). FASFA asks for parent or guardian income but I don't have a guardian (i'm 18) and I know nothing about my dad (his income, SS number etc..) Any ideas on filling out FASFA? Are there service companies that assist people with FASFA filing? Thanks in advance!




  1. I would think that since you are 18 and technically not under anyones custody there should be a section for that. I dont think you need to fill that out then, but the best thing to do is go to your school's counselor or call an admissions office, or FAFSA FAQ on the website? I'm not sure, counselor is the best way to go. Sorry about your situation and good luck!

  2. You have to go to your financial aid office and get a request form to be considered a independent student and they will waive     the parent section of your Fafsa. My ex boyfriend had the same exact problem. Every year he had to go to his financial aid office  to sign up for aid and  he had to bring a copy of his mom's death certificate. I believe you can even file a independent student form on the fafsa web site.

  3. Look closely at the question about being an orphan or a ward of the court... seems like that would apply to you.  If you answer yes, you don't have to put parents income.

    Be prepaired to show the schools fin aid office your moms death certificate and what ever other info they ask for.  Do not put your aunts info in the parent section.

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