
How do I find a company that will sew my designs?

by  |  earlier

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What would that kind of company be called so I can google it or search my local yellow pages. I'm in San Diego California if you know any companies! Thanks




  1. You're looking for a sewing contractor, or a contract sewer or two.  You've potentially got major legal issues with this if you're in California.  See:

  2. I would ask at local fabric shops and tailors. They could also probably give you a review of a particular company.

    You can check this site out, though I'm not sure how local you can get,

  3. sounds like you need a garment manufacturer. It will depend on the quantities you are after. If they are too small for a commercial factory to take on, your alternative is to hire piece workers. Do some research on terms, and conditions and rates for employing home based workers. It is quite a leap to take on staff so do get advice, and do lots of home work on local laws and regulations.

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