
How do I find a dance teacher that will come to my school to teach my preschoolers?

by Guest34132  |  earlier

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How do I find a dance teacher that will come to my school to teach my preschoolers?




  1. I would contact local dance schools and studios and ask. I know dd's dance teachers teach at more than one school, so I'm sure there are teachers who would be interested in working with your children.

    If you have a college or university near you, you might also check with their dance program or education programs. Ask to place an ad in their newsletter or on their bulletin boards or maybe even with their job centre.  I imagine what you would like is someone with experience with young children who will do creative movement with them?

  2. craigs' list

    Put and ad in the paper or your  local grocery store  bulletin board.

  3. go to the local ymca/ community center i am sure there is someone who might be interested.

  4. u can give advertisement in news paper, and tell all childrens to tell their parent that u need a dance teacher. I think u will get responce very soon.

  5. Try contacting:

    Local Childrens Centre

    County Council-arts council.

    Local dance groups or companies-write and ask them.

    Newspaper-put in an appeal.

  6. take a few classes at your local studio or community center and ask one the teachers there if they wold be interested. You can also ask people who take dance to ask their teachers if there is interest. dancers are always looking for extra cash.

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