
How do I find a dog trainer in my area?

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I want to get a dog trainer but i can't afford one right now.... i have been trying on my own... but it woudl be nice to have a few lessons so i can see how its done and continue wiht the techniques... how can i find a trainer in my area?




  1. I do it for my area for free. I'm only 14 but I can train off of a tutorial book I bought. It has become a hobby for me now, and I absolutly love it. Depending on where you live, I might be able to help you. Sometimes you can find kids my age doing training for free; my particular reason is just to encourage more dogs to be trained so less ends up in the humane society..or getting runned over.. ]:

  2. Search the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) website.

    Always always ask the trainer what their methods are or how they would react in certain situations.  Many trainers will say that they are "positive" trainers, but are still force based.

  3. Contact your local breed rescue, our rescue has a web listing of reputable trainers listed by area cities, try or [www_iiacab_com]

  4. See if you can find a local kennel club (group). Ask at your local vet offices.

  5. try looking at your local PetsMart. every now and then they have dog training sessions.

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