
How do I find a good home for my pet?

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I have a pet rat named Ratilda. She is sweet, but neglected due to my health. I worry constantly over her because I cannot keep her cage clean. I cannot physically do it very often right now.

She is getting little exercise and is fat. I'm overfeeding her because I feel guilt in not holding her enough. It hurts me and I need to find someone who will nurture and care for her, and who'll love her as much as I do. Any suggestions?




  1. its best if you can find someone you know well, because you know they will look after her well.

    if you cant, try advertising. when you talk to people, ask them how long you will spend with her daily, how much they are devoted, the other pets they have at home. just basically ask them anything and you will get an idea whether they are responsible or not.

    also, if you are selling her, dont make the price too cheap, otherwise you will be attracting some snake owners.

  2. you must get a cage that is very spacious so that ur rat will enjoy running around her cage

  3. how about giving her to your friendly neighbor who has kids.. im sure some of your friends would love caring of it... and why your health?? whats the problem with your health???

  4. could always run a classified in your local paper and there are plenty of places to join, for free, online. and stop overfeeding her, even if you feel guilty! you're only making her situation worse and her being fat is just as bad as humans being fat. either google places, email/call your local paper to place an ad, or put up fliers in places you're allowed to advertise for pets.

  5. maybe one of your friends might want one. or maybe they will take care of her while you heal. try going to a animal shelter, they might take her if u tell them your story.

  6. If you have a friend or family member who is willing to take her then give her to them so you know where she is going.  Otherwise give her to a no-kill policy animal shelter.  They will look after her well and know how to check out if homes will be right for her.

  7. Try it's a local database of people looking for all kinds of things you would be amazed but you may just find someone there that is the perfect fit for you're pet.

  8. Two ideas come to Mind! Put an ad in your weekly local paper and see who comes to see the pet! Watch them with the pet and you will know if they are the right people for the pet, you will get a feeling from the people, good, bad or indifferent! The only other suggestion would be to ask for help from your local Veterinarian!

  9. I'll take her if you live anywhere near me. I have two rats already.

  10. you could give it to pets smart or other places who take in un wanted pets but if you wanna watch it you could give it to a family member who wants a pet im sorry for you and your rat

    :(  but good luck

  11. i once had a pet rat called Ben after the one in the film Ben, they make really good pet's, unfortunately I'm all the way in England otherwise i would have looked after it. anyway i would give to a friend so i could ask how he or she was doing!

  12. The best thing would be to place her with someone you know and trust. Don't bring her to a pet store, since they can't resell animals that have been dumped there - they either give them away for free, often as snake food, or use them directly as snake food in the store.

    If nobody you know is willing to take her in, you have a few options. Classified ads in newspapers or on Craigslist tend to attract a. snake owners and b. bad owners. Try They have a "classifieds" section where you can post an ad, or you could contact a local shelter and see if they'll do a courtesy listing in the main directory for you. You can post a sign in the lobby of a vet's office. Make sure you charge a small "adoption fee" to make sure she doesn't end up as dinner.

    If you absolutely can't find a new owner on your own, try to stay away from shelters - finding a rescue group will ensure that she gets good treatment and lots of attention in her foster home rather than just sitting around in a cage. Shelters are providing a necessary service, but it's always more desirable to have the animal living in a foster home than a shelter environment. Rescue groups often have more rigorous screening procedures as well, so she'll find a better home.

  13. If you live in or near a larger town try  You cannot sell pets, but you can find a good home.  Also it is free advertisment.

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