
How do I find a home schooler?

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My 10 year old son has recently had an IEP assessment and IQ test by his school and while he has a very low IQ and learning disabilities, he does not qualify for their special programs. He is far behind his peers and has already been held back once. He needs one on one assistance which his teacher's can't give, and despite pleading with the district, there is nothing available to him. No one at the school seems to know how to help. I am trying to find people who currently homeschool in my area to see if they could teach him. I know in Texas (where I live), a home schooler can teach up to three kids before needing certification. How do I find those who are already home schooling to see if they could home school my son, as I cannot do it but I think it may be his only hope?

Thank you in advance for your help.




  1. Hello my name is faruk

    my english very bad.

  2. There are honestly not many people that will homeschool your child for you.  What is the reason you cannot do it? Do you work or do you feel you don't have the education yourself to teach him?  I was that way when I pulled my daughter in November.  She is also 10.  I was in school and honestly, we don't get along the best!  We have the same personality and we are never wrong!  I decided the best thing for her was to stay home or she would fail.  I quit school and jumped in head first!  The first few months (about 3) were hard but now we have a routine and things are great!  We get along better than we ever had and her self-esteem has soared!  What you could do is find his weaknesses, (and strengths!) and go from there.  We found out what my daughter had trouble with and worked on that and put the other on the back burner until we had her caught up.  She is in 5th grade and does 4th grade math and 6th grade english, no public school can do that for you! There are millions of websites out there to get worksheets on. is a great one from the CDC has printable worksheets  GREAT RESOURCE!  fun educational games  fun educational games

  3. If you Google the name of your city and "homeschool group", you should come up with the websites of groups in your area.  I'm just over the border in OK, and I have a couple of friends who are homeschooling their own child plus one or two more.

    If you contact the leaders of the groups in your area, they can put out an email to their groups to see if anyone would be able/willing to homeschool your son along with their kids.

    Hope that helps!

  4. I had a similar problem with my 2nd grade daughter and just started homeschooling I feel your pain.

    go to - and look into the virtual schools in your area (it will ask you by state, then city)

    From there you can go to some of the homeschooling play dates that are listed or call the number for local groups.

    In Colorado this homeschooling organization has meeting twice a week - roller skating and ice cream......

    Or you can call local churches - they tend to be where homeschool groups congregate

  5. Search for local groups on Yahoo Groups.  I'm sure you'll find at least one.  If that doesn't help, go to the Texas HS'ing associations' sites, where you should find a list of groups in your area.

    Search Yahoo Groups for "homeschool texas ___your city/region".

    You can also ask your public librarians.  They typically know who to contact.  Our library has a huge binder of information on HS'ing in our area.

    I don't understand why, if your son has an IEP plan, they cannot do anything for him.  I HS one child, but the other is in public school on an IEP, which includes instructional support, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, adaptive PE, reading lab, and sensory time.

    You have certain rights under FAPE and IDEA.  I would spend some time on this site (not that I'm encouraging you to not HS him):

  6. You need an attorney. We have the right to a free and adequate education, which includes help for your child. "No Child Left Behind"...right?  The district is telling you that they can not help because that is the red tape c**p that they want you to believe because it will cost the district money (YOUR tax paying money!) Please, Please look into finding an advocate for your childs rights...There are so many places to get assistance...But you will have to search the internet for your area. You should also privately talk to your childs teacher. Good Luck...Homeschooling is not always the answer....But if it is, you should be getting financial help from your childs district...FOR SURE!

  7.  can put you in touch with homeschoolers in Texas.

  8. HEy wats up   i go to this Hooemschooling program and it is great   it might get a little high in prices and i don't know how your budget is going but beleive me if you can enroll him it is really a great school.     Go to

    and you can do a virtual tour.    like i said i l,ove it and the best part is..........   it goes through high school so you don't have to go back to public school if he doesn't want to.     it is really cool and a very educational school. so click on one of the sites and take a look at the school.

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