
How do I find a misplaced insurance policy.?

by  |  earlier

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I took a policy out 38 years ago.

With profits to cover my morgage at that time.

I know that it is worth a few thousand pounds.

But I can not find the policy or remember the name of the company.

They used to send profit statements every year.

But I have moved house and stopped payments three years ago. Have asked at old house but no luck there.




  1. If you could go in your old statement Mayne in your desk or bank receipts as many people keep these.i am so unruly i am always trying to clean and end up throwing my receipts away' and when i need them i am up the creek without the paddle.I do wish your luck as i know how that is to try to find some really important papers or files as i drive myself half crazy going around looking and around the other way in the drawers up in the closets....Too much activities and stress..

  2. .If you payed by direct debit your bank could help,but they'll charge you for the privilege.

  3. If you paid by direct debit, then get a back dated bank statement from the bank (choose a month in the year that you definitely knew you made a direct debit payment.)  Once you have found the name of the company you can contact them and ask them for an update.  If it is an endowment type policy, even though you haven't paid any payments within the last few years, they will have frozen the policy, but it is still worth money to you and you don't have to pay any missed payments.  It just means that you will no longer have the privilege of life cover with that policy as that part of the policy will have been cancelled due to the non payments.

  4. think hard

  5. You go to your bank from four years ago, and ask them for cancelled checks, to see who you were paying.  

    But if you're not getting statements, it's highly possible that the policy is cancelled - after all, you haven't paid it for three years.

  6. Did you by any chance make payments via money orders? Where they made via payroll deduction? Did you maybe put the information with the paperwork for your home? You check with your bank or who ever financed the purchase of your home? Did you tell anybody in your family about the policy you had? When you moved, did you inform the post office at your old address to forward your mail? You could try doing a insurance search of insurance companies in your country and see if any of the names ring a bell in your mind. Your old insurance company may be out of date, or since you stopped making payments, they may not do anything regarding your policy since they may consider it as a lapsed policy.

  7. contact the company We managed to cash one with-out the policy. It was a long time ago now I think we had to put it all in writing -we got the money

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