
How do I find a search Angel to look up adoption records in Indiana?

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Indiana won't let the adoptee see their records so we need an angel to go to courthouse and visit clerks office to check records.Thank you




  1. 2 of my friends used this website to find search angels in WI and they didn't charge anything.  Good luck in your search.

  2. Do not trust a confidential intermediary in Indiana.  Many of them are former adoption workers who have been known to lie to adoptees and firstparents about making contact.

    The agencies in Indiana do not want records open because it will expose their shady dealings.  Unfortunately, they will stoop to any level to keep adoptees records closed.

    Good luck.

  3. I am an Indiana adoptee.  They won't let you see those records period.  Trust me I have been beating down that tree for two years now.  I sent you an message.  I don't know if I can help you much.

    They sealed the records in Indiana in 1985.  They have some of the toughest laws in the nation.  It states this between 1985 and 1986.

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