
How do I find a street address with a phone number?

by  |  earlier

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These kids keep prank calling my phone and I want to find them. No, I don't want to call the police and no I don't want to block the number.

Helpful comments only, please.





  1. search the number on google or yahoo

    basically put it in a search engine

    i remember doing this with a phone number and i got a name, an address and what not.

    but this does depend on whether or not these prank callers are listed in the phone book..

    also i would try to put your city and state by the phone number.

  2. 411... do reverse phone... type in the phone number then it should give you a address if it's a house phone, if its a cell then the only thing it will give you is the company they are with...

  3. nkn

  4. Well you are up to no good. Find somebody with a phone cross directory. It list by name,number,and address, look for deliver shops, like a flower shop. You and I know you will be ahead to call the phone company and complain about the nuisance phone calls.

  5. google it?

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