
How do I find an obituary for someone who died in Tucson,Az. over a year ago?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried to find if a friend of mine really died but all I get are websites that want to charge for a service I think I could find out for nothing. The reason I'm trying to verify this is this person scammed a lot of money from realatives & if they're deceased then I will try to find out where the money ended up.




  1. go to this link and you can search by name

  2. Go to the news paper site for that area and they should have a search function under Obituarys.

  3. You can prove your friend died at the Social Security Death Index. But if you're planning to intervene on a money problem, be careful. The Probate Courts have a real problem with people investigating the money of dead people and the police have a bigger problem with do-it-yourself private investigators contacting the families of dead people. You can get in serious trouble.

  4. try the social security death index

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