
How do I find an unlisted phone number?

by  |  earlier

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I really need to get a hold of someone, but I lost their phone number and it's not listed in the phone book.

Is there any way, for FREE, to find an unlisted phone number? The number is a land line, if that helps.

I really, really need to find this number ASAP!




  1. ask a friend who knows her number

  2. lol

  3. Unlisted phone numbers can't be found.  If they are listed, the listing company is liable.  Try these ideas instead:

    Do you know someone else who would know the phone number?

    Do you know an educational place or workplace you could write care of or ring?  They won't give you her/his details but might give them something like a postcard from you or a message.  (An envelope can be used unsafely but not a postcard; also, if the school can see why you are writing, they are much more likely to pass on the postcard or at least the info.)

    Send a postcard to the address that you think it is but make sure you put details on it for the post office, asking them to deliver it to the right place, if they know which it is.  (Some countries insist the mail be delivered as addressed, even if the mailman knows it's got the wrong street number on it.  I sent my sister a letter putting the wrong street number and she never got it and I never got it back.)  If you ask the post office, perhaps you can send a letter with a street address but no street number.  That might give the mailman the authority they need to deliver it to the right house.

    All the best with it.

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