
How do I find any records on grand father who served in WW2?Albert C Milberry,Canada.'?

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All I know of my grandfather is that after he served in WW2, his wife died and he fled NewBrunswick,Canada after being charged with child abandonment.Rumors at time said he and a woman fled to England.I need to know how to verify this or statuship made in England.No one has heard from him since all 4 children we're place into foster care program.He never attempted to contact any of his children.Chilren's mothers name was Marjorie May Milberry(Whittaker)born in Saint John,NB.Canada.Anyone knowing how I can obtain info or access records, you'd be the one I'd like to hear from.There is only one child of the 4 remaining and he's dying of Abestos Cancer he got from Serving on ship in Korean War.




  1. Acadia French Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1670-1946

    Name: Marjorie May Whittaker

    Event Year: 1899-1905  

    Event: Naissance (birth)

    Religion: Catholique (Catholic)

    Place of Worship or Institution: St-Jean (Bureau de Santé)  

    Province: Acadie (Nova Scotia and New Brunswick)

    The only Canada Military listings I saw were for World War I.  =(

  2. Do you know if he served in the US Military? If so you can get his records from the National Archives. There is quite a bit of info you will be requested to provide. If he was in the Canadian Military you might try the Canada answers board and see if they might be able to assist you. Just click the Canada flag at the bottom and it should take you to their yahoo answers board.

    Good luck

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