
How do I find lost pet rat?

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It's somewhere in the house but I can't find it. Is there some kind of food or something I can put out to attract it?




  1. the way I found ine was I put they're favorite treat in one room, put a few. put peanut butter on a spoon in the other. put corn and cereal in the other room, and then put chicken noodle soup in the other room, then put his normal food in the other. shut all the door. blocked the cracks under the door with towels. an every few hours, or when I needed to go in that room, I'd check the food, see if any was gone. if some was gone, my rat was in that room, and I blocked off every way out, so he was still in there. :]

  2. set a line of dog food in a row to its cage and then alot of dog food in the cage!

  3. use ur rats favorite treat... wht treat does he or she eat the fastest attrack the rat with tht food!!! i with u the best of luck = D

  4. The best thing to do is to leave its cage on the floor in a room you think it might be in. It will recognize it's own scent and smell the food so it will be attracted to the cage. Then you should be able to just shut the door and return to normal.

  5. Well this site gives you a list of ideas on how to capture rodents.

  6. Cheese


    Cat/dog meat.

    They love it, it stinks, it will attract them.

  7. I know they are meant for wild rats, but you could use those live traps. Cheese, peanut butter. I'm sure you will catch him.

  8. My rat has escaped so many times now she comes when called(lol). Rats like to run baseboards until they come to something they can hide in or behind. Favorites are behind refrigerators, under or in couches or any type of furniture, behind entertainment stands. Try shaking some of her/his food in something and walking around the house calling the rats name. It may not work in the daytime. Alot of times they will find somewhere to hide and then sleep till night. If it doesnt work during the day try at night. Make everything quiet. No tv, radio nothing running that makes noise. Take some food and shake it and try calling the rat. If that doesnt work try putting the rats cage on the floor and leave it there open. Maybe put some type of human food down next to the cage that the rat would be able to smell. We have used lasagna and it worked like a charm. Usually rats wont venture far from where they escaped. Wont usually try to chew to get outside. They will however when they get hungry or thirsty most times try to get back to there home to get what they need. I hope this helps and good luck.

  9. Use his regular food that he eats and place it near his cage. Watch the cage carefully in a hidden area so the rat won't see you. Once he comes, carefully get it and put it back in the cage.

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