
How do I find my 2005 w2 tax form from Robinsons May?

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How do I find my 2005 w2 tax form from Robinsons May?




  1. download Form 4506-T from the IRS website for the w-2, and mail to appropriate address, the IRS wage information only has Federal Information provided, if  you need the State contact  your local State office.  The wage information will be mailed to you within 30 days.

    If you need them in a hurry visit your local IRS office.

    IF you need w2 to file your return then contact IRS at 1-800-829-0922 or 1-800-829-1040 or any phone number provided in the IRS notice if you received one.

  2. Your best bet would be from the employer.  If that isn't an option, the IRS can send you a transcript of the information however it will not include State information, only Federal.

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