
How do I find my adopted sons birth parents?

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I adopted my son from Bucharest Romainia. He spent his entire life (8 years) in an orphanage until six months prior to the adoption. One of the agreements that was understood was that we could have no contact with the care takers of the orphanage or the foster parents that he lived with six months prior. I know he has that piece of his life missing and wants to know who his parents are. And I would like to be able to help him. I have no clue how or where to start. Please anyone! This would mean alot to us.




  1. Your a wonderful person.  I wish I knew the answer .  God Bless !

  2. Why aren't you allowed to have contact? why is that in the agreement ?

  3. It might be easy to get a name off of the adoption agency because the laws are probably a bit loose in Romania. Are you so sure this child wasn't abandoned at the place?

  4. Go to Yahoo Groups and do a search for an adoptive parent group for your son's country.   Join, and then post your question there.  I belong to several groups for the countries my kids are from. On all my groups, parents share information on how to search & verify. I've gotten great in-country contacts from other parents.

    And in the future, when you talk to paps, do mention this difficulty to them.  Some people don't think about it ahead of time, but you're right - children want to know who their parents are.   You could save other families this problem by giving them a heads up, and they might not want to consider a country that won't let them have contact.

  5. I know someone who adopted a child from Romania and because of medical issues, they needed some information from the birth family.

    It basically comes down to bribing the right people so if it's important to you then be prepared to spend a lot of money. Unfortunately, that's pretty common in such countries. If you have the right amount of money you can get the information you need from certain people.

  6. wow.  that's a tough one.  unless the laws change, you will likely need to hire someone to find for you (PI).

    my cousins adopted from russia and they're screwed.  they will never find, imo.

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