
How do I find my motherboard's manufacturer if I only have a serial #?

by  |  earlier

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I have a custom-built pc with no manual;s and I need to ID the motherboard mfr. in order to download drivers. All I have is a serial # 333542-0010330704ww.




  1. It should show what kind of mainboard you have when you boot. Your BIOS screen should list it out..

    If you can not see it there, or if it goes too fast, try this:: Open up device manager & see what does it say for

    go here

    This will download a small benchmarking program for you, that will tell you abt your mainboard name, bus speed,etc etc tec..

  2. you have no way to find out with the serial no. the serial no is just only for the mfg record purposes.

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