
How do I find my truck driving father?

by  |  earlier

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I've been trying to find my father since last time I talked, which was when I was 16. I haven't seen him since, I'm 19 now, and married. I've gone through numerous sites to find him, and as usual they ask for money. I think you shouldn't pay to find someone its ridiculous. Please help me, is there a site or something I can use that ya don't have to pay for that might find my father.

It would be much appreciated please!




  1. if your mom is from central wis., he's in florida, trucking in the southern states.

  2. Do you know what company he works for? Does he own property in a state? Lets say, he lived in Wisconsin.  Wisconsin has an online court system, and if you punched in his name, and he'd been given any sort of ticket, it lists an address.  Hope this helps, and I've got lots of other ideas, you can just email me, and I'd be glad to help, for free.  No promises though of an outcome.  I'm just really resource full.

  3. Ive been trying to find my friend and i have looked everywear for a couple of years now and they all want money well good luck (:


    Also try Google and Yahoo. Put his name in this way:


    Hopefully he doesn't have a name like John Jones. An unusual name is much easier to find. All these sites are free. If you know his last name, try for the city where you think he may have lived. Just use the last name and then call everyone with that last name explaining who you are and why you would like to find him. Leave your phone number. You may find an uncle, cousin or brother of his that way. Keep working on it.

  5. if you want to email me his full name and maybe relatives or something i could maybe find it out for you

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