
How do I find myself, I feel so lost?

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I'm 20 years old and a senior in college. For the past year and a half I've felt so lost. I've felt like there's more to life than what I'm experiencing right now. I go to college about 3 hours away from home and that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to get out of my small town and see what else was out there. I've traveled overseas to study abroad, but now I'm not excited about graduating. A part of me feels like I should go back home because I feel like I'm not as close to my family as my sister who still lives back home. I always need the reassurance of others, and I tend to think that everyone else has it so much better than me. I also define myself a lot by what people tell me. I am pretty outgoing, but also stand offish. I'm not as excited about life as I used to be. I used to want to move away from home, but now my life away from home isn't as exciting. It seems like I have my act together, I'm graduating with a communications and international business degree. I have a boyfriend of over 2 years and lots of close friends, most are from high school still, but i keep in touch with them. im involved in clubs, but i just feel so lost within myself. i just want to feel content instead of always searching. people that have their passion seem to know exactly who they are, and i dont know what that is for me. i love traveling, different cultures, shopping, photography, but i guess i dont know who i am. also i feel like i always have to be talking with someone. if im alone, i just sit on yahoo answers trying to get advice from others. i always have to be talking to someone. i just want to feel happy, but i feel so lost. i always wanted to do something great once i graduated college, so its weird that part of me wants to go back home. i always worry about everything too, and take things people say far too personally. some people seem like they have their act together, they just graduate from college, get a job, and get married, however i feel so lost. what do i do?




  1. i know exactly how you feel cause that's how it was for me. at the moment you are about to graduate and there will no longer be structure there. in the past it was all fixed, going to school and presently going to uni. however, once you graduate there is nothing more. so what you should do is take a year off and reassess your current situation in life. i think you need to do a little soul searching to see what you really want in life and go for it.

    i hope this helps. it is kinda wishy washy.

    good luck

  2. maybe if you stopped listening to how other people feel and pay attention to yourself, you can find out more about who you are.

    if you go with the flow instead of planning your life out its a lot easier, and

    maybe you are just going through a change. you are still young so

    you should be having fun and living in the moment while you still can. just stop thinking about how horrible you feel and start living and figuring

    out what you want in your life

  3. Use a map.

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