
How do I find out how much a pool cue my husband made is worth?

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It is made from leopard wood with an ivory ferrule.




  1. sell it if there are any buyers.

  2. if it is custom made, it's the value a buyer is willing to pay

  3. Depends on who he is??  Is he a Cue maker or did he just make a Cue

  4. For starters, LEOPARD WOOD?  IVORY FERRULE?

    Leopard wood is too flexible for use in a cue; in fact it's favored for bows and walking sticks.

    Traditionally, maple or ash are used for cues, ash being the dominant wood used for snooker cues.  

    Isn't ivory illegal?

    That said, the worth of any object is entirely up to the individual who owns it and the individual who plans on purchasing it.  I could type a list of what makes a good pool cue, but someone who knows nothing about pool and never plays the game may think your husbands cue is beautiful and may be willing to pay an arm and a leg for it.

    At the very least, your husbands cue should be worth the cost of materials, assuming his craftmanship is spot-on.

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