
How do I find out if I am a 2nd or 3rd Cousin?

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So my mother is 2nd Cousins with a relative so I would be 2nd Cousins once removed with this relative. Would I be 2nd Cousins twice removed or 3rd Cousins with their children? I know it is confusing. Would you consider a 3rd Cousin distant or close.I know a 2nd Cousin even once or twice removed is close.





  1. You may prefer to work it out from this chart.

    hope this helps.

  2. An easy way to remember this stuff is like this

    If two people share a set of grandparents, then they are cousins.

    If two people share a set of great grandparents, then they are second cousins,

    If two people share a set of great great grandparents, then they are third cousins, etc.

    It ALL comes down to finding the COMMON ancestor.  You seem to have a good grasp on  the "once removed" stuff.  Simply put, that comes in when the degree of cousinship is "uneven" , like when the common ancestor between two people is a great grandparent to one and a geat great grandparent to the other, as in your example above.  Here is a great tool that you can refer to time and time again.  It is a relationship chart.  When you click the link, scroll to the bottom to find directions on its use.

    Cheer and Happy easter to you and your family.

  3. Yep, what HSK said.

    Your mother's second cousin would be your second cousin once removed and will be 2nd cousins 2x removed to your future kids.  That cousin's kids likewise would be your mother's second cousins once removed, but they would be YOUR third cousins because you are in the same generation as they are from the common ancestor.

  4. You are third cousin to the children. HSK's Mama has one method for remembering. I find it easier to remember that children of first cousins are second cousins, children of second cousins are third cousins, and so on. Use whichever memory trick works for you.

    Removed are when you talk about your parents' cousins, or grandparents' cousins or great grandparents' cousins; or your cousins' children, grandchildren, great grandchildren . . .

    has 1,000 words and some links on the subject of cousins dating. 9 times out of 10 when someone asks "how close are we?" they are dating someone and discover they are cousins, or else met a cousin and are romantically attracted to them.

    The short answer is that first cousins can marry in most countries and half the states in the USA. Anything further out than that - once removed, second cousin, etc - has no limit anywhere. Unless Hemophilia or something else genetic runs in your family, your kids will be fine. If you had ancestors in the USA or Canada before 1880, and they lived in rural areas, you have a 90% chance of having some married cousins in your family tree. It happened ALL the time back then. In some counties, unless you married an Indian, it was a cousin or nothing.

  5. Your are  a Third Cousin... That would not be a close relation

  6. Ok so you would be third cousins with your mother's second cousins children I guess.

    Because my mum's first cousins had children, therefore my mum would be second cousins with them. I know for a fact that the children are my third cousins. Haha.

    I am not really sure whether I'd consider them close. I mean, I think it kinda depends on how well you know them. I have first cousins who I feel really comfortable around as I grew up with them, and then I have other first cousins who I only just met and it's kind of awkward. But I know my third cousins really well and I feel more related to them than my other cousins.

    I guess if you feel comfortable around your second cousins twice removed (?) than you are close :] I would say you're closely related in blood as well. But that's just my opinion.

    p.s I have pretty much a GAJILLION cousins lol

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