
How do I find out if my child has an learning disorder?

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How do I find out if my child has an learning disorder?




  1. Contact me privately and we can discuss it.  I will need more information that just the question and I doubt that you would like us posting that back and forth on the Internet.

  2. contact the school child study team

    or can an independent evaluation from an educational pyschologist and ldtc (learnign disabilities teacher consultant)

    Many times LD is noticed when a child is about 7 and having difficulty reading

  3. Public schools can test them and see.has you child started school yet?If so, the school probably would have already picked up on it.

  4. Talk to your son/daughter's core teachers (English/HIstory/Math/Science) and request than an SST (student study team) meeting be held with you present.  This meeting may/ should contain an academic support (resource) teacher, a speech language therapist, a psychologist, an an administrator, in addiiton to teachers.  At that time, you can talk about your concerns and the teachers can give you feedback.  You are entitled to request a psycho-educational assessment, in addition to academic testing, to see if your child can be entitled to academic support, if your child is having difficulties in school and particularly has trouble processing information/concepts in many subjects.

  5. If your kid is pre school age, then they usually have preschool screenings, they will usually print it out in the paper when the dates are and where, you can take them there and they do all sorts of different learning activities monitored by learning professionals and then at the end they will discuss with you what they saw, and if they might need some extra help in some areas of learning, and they will schedule different meetings with different learning activities, and if needed they will start an individualized program for your child in the areas they needs help with.  And if your child is older and already in school, their teachers would see if they have some learning problems and would have already addressed it to you.  but if you are concerned just talk to their teachers.

  6. Ask the school in writing to assess for learning disabilities if you suspect one, and state in writing why you think there is one. They must respond in writing within a certain number of days why or why not they will do this. Simply asking the teacher will not get one done, trust me, I learned the hard way. Read IDEA (available online, google it.)

  7. Schools do NOT do testing ONLY to see if a child has a learning disorder. They do testing ONLY to see if a child can qualify for special education services.

    The learning disorders will show up in this testing if there are any.

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