
How do I find out if one of my guy friends are Bi without asking him to his face ?

by Guest56018  |  earlier

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One of my friends i think is bi and he acts like hes g*y all the time like idk if hes just s******g around or if he serious and i don't want to ask him to his face like straight out say are you bi




  1. When you're out with him and see an attractive guy, say "oh he's cute!"

    see how he reacts. Does he fidget? Body language is key.

  2. How close are you to this man? His sexuality is really none of your  business, unless you want to know because you are interested in dating him. BTW....what is your definition of "acting g*y?"  Sounds like you have some stereotypical images in your mind and you are transferring them to your friend. Why don't you just be a friend, and if he wants to tell you about his sexuality, which he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to, then you can discuss it with him. It's his move, not yours.  

  3. get drunk together and see if he hooks up with you

  4. just look up his myspace or ask his friends.

  5. get it out of him subtly.

    start a conversation about current events and issues or the upcoming elections and polotics and then bring up the current event of g*y marriage and ask him his views on it, this might get it out of him.

    but don't hound him, if he's not ready to come out don't force it

  6. If you pay close enough attention to his actions, and relationships with other people, eventually it will become obvious.

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