
How do I find out the true value of a wooden carving that is extremely rare that comes from the rain forest.?

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A friend of mine was dieing about 10 years ago. I spent alot of time with him during his final days. He said he had something he wanted to give me, that had been in his family for decades. It was a wooden carving, of a native, from deep into the brazilian Rain forest. Its a life size carving with detail unlike anything I have ever seen. Somebody in his family I dont remeber who was a part of a expedtition, that was exploring the rainforest many years ago. They came apon a village of very small warriors or hunters that had never seen anyone like them . They were able to become friends with them . This one family member traded his blankets and everything he didnt need for this carving and carried out on his back from the rain forest. This carving is unlike anything that I can find on the internet. Nobody will appraise this for me without paying a fee first. I havnt been able to find any experts in this area on the internet either. unfortunatly I must now sell it to pay medical bill




  1. try this site:

  2. Go to road show .com they should be able to help you or direct you in the right direction, with out charge.  

    good luck


  3. Check with a museum that specializes in this kind of native art.

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