
How do I find out the weather in Adelaide for 3 mnths time? Im getting married & want to know the forecast

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How do I find out the weather in Adelaide for 3 mnths time? Im getting married & want to know the forecast




  1. ;-) Partly

    Partly sunny partly raining partly correct

    Hope your day is wonderful!

  2. Good luck with that!!  Have a look at and follow the links to Adelaide.  I don't think you'll be able to get any accurate forecasting info for that far ahead, but there may be a general feel for what's coming.  There's also loads of historical info so you'll be able to check that and see what it's likely to be like based on previous years.

  3. 3 months ahead is too far for a fairly accurate forecast. A couple of weeks  before will give you an idea, but remember the farther the forecast looks into the future, the more bleak and less accurate it becomes because when you look at a particular day, all it will give you is the a percentage that a precipitation could happen.

  4. Goto a travel book and get the trends.  At least you will know the hsitorical range of temperatures and the amoung of rainfall.  Check at about a week to 10 days before the wedding

  5. i don't think you can get the forecast that far in advance, at least not an accurate one. sorry. congrats on getting married though!

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