
How do I find out what home remodeling and building projects require a building permit in Savannah Georgia

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I plan on remodeling and bumping out my kitchen about 12 feet.




  1. Click link below. Savannah website..building department FAQ's.

  2. Any remodeling that requires the relocation of plumbing, electrical, structural, or HVAC has to have a permit. If you are just taking of some tile and replacing it or something similar then you don't need a permit.  

  3. By going to your local county building and talking with the department that handles building permits.  

  4. okay well you should go to city hall. i dont think you need a permit for inside work, but i live in illinois so make sure! and here we also need a pla but dont wast time for an architect to do it. Make it yourself with a pencil and paper. im not sure if they require that over there.

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