
How do I find out what this person's last name is?

by  |  earlier

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It's someone from my childhood. All I know is their first name, and that they work for the IRS. No one I know of knows what their last name is but I need to find out. How can I do this?

I don't know their phone number, just where they are employed and their first name. Is there any website that has all of the IRS employees listed?




  1. look them up in a phonebook from where they work call the work and ask them what his last name is

  2. I really doubt the IRS posts its employee names.

    If you know the elementary school that this person went to, you could start there.

    If their first name is unusual, you could check MySpace. Once in a while, people actually post their first name on their profile.

    You might have to go thru a list of names, but in the end it would be worth it, right?

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