
How do I find out when someone is due in court?

by  |  earlier

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I know which court it is, and the parties that are attending, but the court is saying that they will only tell me on the day, not before. This is no good because I want to know before so I can attend as an interested party.




  1. As I understand it, unless it is a private court matter involving such as family proceedings, then the listing of a case at court in the UK is a matter of public record. Have you tried writing to the clerk of the court? Alternatively, Crown Court case listings are exhibited the day before at:

    If it is a criminal matter, and you are an interested party, such as a victim, you are entitled to be kept informed of developments in the case; see:

    Hope that helps.

  2. I think you'll find the reason is that they cannot guarantee when the case will be heard.  It may be listed for a particular date and time, but they have no idea whether or not the previous case, for instance, will over-run.  This is particularly true of magistrates' courts. The only thing you can do is ring them every day first thing, or look on the list which is posted at the court daily.

  3. Ring cps, they dont issue it until the last day because they tend to change things around anyway, so keeping anyone else other than the two parties up to date would be a waste of tax payers money.

  4. This might help but you can only see the names a day before so just keep checking each evening

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