
How do I find sister born Odessa Tx 1950??

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I am searching for sister put up for adoption Odessa Tx the last two months of 1949 or Jan, Feb of 1950. Will the library in Odessa have all births on micro film that are not listed on the internet? I have asked they send micro film to my library and they say it is not possible. If I fly to Odessa will they let me look into micro film at the library? Is all micro film open to public viewing? I called the library and they refused to answer my questions related to adoption. I am told best to go there and see for myself. Do not want to waste a trip if I am unable to view micro film. Ever heards of such actions by a library?




  1. Do you know the sisters name? You can look on Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997. You might find a clue. Or Ask the library to look in the micro film for you for the name. If they find it, they can send you a copy on paper. I've done that. Let me know if you get any leads.

  2. Sure. What you need are vital statistics and court records. Libraries do a lot, but they don't do that. Many libraries do have interlibrary loan agreements, which normally won't include microfilm, especially films that they would probably not have to begin with.

    Long and short.. you are asking the wrong persons, and asking the wrong questions.

    1- MOST states restrict access to birth records, because of id theft, and privacy issues. The Texas birth index IS one that is accessible online, through They pay to have it online. You pay to access it.  Or, you send me a note through my profile, and explain who you are looking for.  I have a subscription, and will be happy to do a lookup for you.

    2- I probably will not find your sister listed. ANY adoption involves an amended birth certificate, that shows the new name, and the adoptive parents as 'real' parents. That is fairly standard knowledge. The original birth certificate is sealed, by court order. Most adoptees cannot even get to those, barring a critical life threatening situation where they need to find relatives for a transplant.

    Texas DOES have an officially sanctioned adoptee registry, assuming your sister has listed herself.  Send me a note.. and I'll look up the site for you. Not foolproof.

    Last.. for general research things, the largest collection of microfilmed records are through the LDS library. Those ARE shipped to any branch library, with a small handling fee. For the most part, the records are historical items that are open to the public, and they directly relate to researching ancestors. Adoption records or living persons don't fall into that category.

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