
How do I find the owner of an abandoned car?

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There is a car for sale in my neighborhood, it has been there for so long, that the for sale signs in the windows have even started to fade from the sun. I have called the phone number on the sign but the number has been disconnected. I have left notes on the car hoping the owner would see them but have had no luck.

This leads me to believe that the owner no longer lives in the apartment complex and may have just left the car there. If I can find the owner I might be able to get the title for the car. But I don't know how to go about finding him.

I was also trying to figure out, if the car is abandoned and I can't find the owner, how could I get the title transferred over to my name? As an abandoned vehicle it would normally just be impounded, and then sold at auction or junked.

Any help would be great.




  1. Your local DMV or police department could probably look up the owner's name if the car still has license plates on it.  There are also services you can buy on the internet to look up owners of cars via license plate numbers if the DMV and police won't give you any info (the DMV and police may or may not give you the information - explaining your situation to them may sway them to give you the info you're looking for)

    Good Luck.  

  2. Look in the windshield on the driver's side and get the vend #. Take it to the DMV and ask them if they can tell you who's car it is and if they have an address on them.

  3. Have you tried the DMV? anyway, don't try getting it and putting it on your name without a legal deed. You might get in trouble later. try reporting it to the police.

  4. Hi Mike,

    The fastest way to get your mitts on this car is to have it impounded.

    yep, call the cops, and it will get towed. that is how the legal owner will be notified of its seizure. He has a limited amount of time to respond, or the car will be then auctioned, or used for police cover work. You'll need to find in your local municipal phone book number of the police impound yard, or call the police imformation to get it. When that time has passed, then you will be elibible to apply for a title on the car. Here's the part that ain't so good; you'll have to pay the tow and storage fees, and regular title fees as well.

    Here's the even not so good part: If there any outstanding liens on the car, (if he used it for collateral for a loan) then it goes to the loan institution first (because its legally their property if the loan has defaulted). They may/may not allow you to payoff the remainder of the outstanding loan, If the car is in decent shape and runs, it will go to auction or you may be able to take over payments. if its in below acceptable wholesale condition, then it gets scrapped, and that where you might be able to come in an apply and get it for a below wholesale or scrapped price.

    All these scenarios happened for me. Also keep in mind that the law may very from state to state. you may be able to procure is faster without all the hooey I went through. So call your local city agencies to find out more.

    how do you find an owner of an abandoned car? get the VIN number (on the top of the dash at the botton of the windshield) and call or go online to your local licensing dept, or in my case, an agency at the state capital.)  It will tell you the last legal owner of the car.

    the not so legal way is to get inside the car and see if it has the title in there. if its unlocked it may be as simple as that. If its locked then don't. the cops will see that as unlawful entry, and fine you.

    good luck!


  5. "There is a car for sale in my neighborhood..."

    That leads me to believe it's not on your property, so you would have no claim on it.  

    "...the owner no longer lives in the apartment complex..."

    Does this mean it's parked in an apartment house lot?  If so, contact the resident manager of the apartment complex, or the owner if there is no manager (you can find out owner information at the tax office) and ask about it.  They might be able to get you the name of the previous tenant and his forwarding address.

    If not, the car will eventually be towed and may go to auction after that.  Ask the manager/owner what they plan to do with the car.

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