
How do I find the precison?

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How do I find the precision of 3.75 meters?




  1. This is the whole subject of "significant digits".  Your answer was given as correct to the nearest hundredth of a meter.  This implies that you believe you know the true value close enough that it would round to this value.  That means that you believe it to within plus or minus .005 m.  If you knew it more precisely, you would have reported more digits.

    Edit:  Again - you report the number that you are certain is right.  When you report it, you give as many digits as you can, up to the point where you are sure that the real number would round to that value.  For instance, if you report a number as 5, you know that anything from 4.5 to 5.5 (non-inclusive) would round to that.  So you report it as 5, with a precision of +/- 0.5.  If you report a number as 5.0, you're saying that you're sure the real number is somewhere between 4.95 and 5.05, non-inclusive.  Your precision, in that case, would be +/- 0.05.

  2. Sorry, I don't know what you mean.  Precison?  That's not a word.  You mean precision?

    How precise is 3.75 meters?  

    Well, it's given to the nearest 0.01 meters or  1 cm.  Is that what you mean?

    If not, you'll have to clarify.

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