
How do I find the square footage of my house?

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I'm just curious to know, is there a simple way to find how many square feet are in my house?




  1. If your home is square or rectangular, multiply the lengths of two adjacent sides and that is the actual footprint.

    Check your local assessment records

    Check the blue prints of the house

  2. Check on the deed to your house.  It should say there.

  3. Lingth times width times hight  

  4. You can look up your property records through your city's website.  I know with my city, all you need is your name and address to find that information.  It will also tell you how much your property is appraised for and will include property tax information.  Otherwise calculate the square footage of each room in your house (excluding closets) and add it up.  It's easy either way.  

  5. You could do it yourself or you could ask the people who sold you your house. They normally have that information or have maps of your house with measurements.

    This is, unless you bought your house from other people.

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