I've been dating a man for a little over a year. I truly love him, we have a great time together. But a few months ago an ex of his came to me and warned me that he had stolen her identity and used her for $30,000, and ruined her credit. She claimed he did it to his own sister too. I didn't believe it, I thought he'd never do that to me.
About a month ago, he stole one of my credit cards and ran up $2,000 on it. Ironically, a large chunk of that was to take me on a nice vacation. He swears he's going to pay me back. It upset me, but I still didn't leave him. Today I found out that he put me as a cosigner on a loan for him. I'm in a panic. I love him, I truly truly do! When we have good times, they are SO good. But this is too much. Why would he do this?
We live together, but it's my name on the lease. It would be easier if I could just leave, but I think I have to kick him out. I know he'll try to talk me out of it. What do I do? How do I stay strong?