
How do I fix a broken nose on a surfboard?

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I snapped the nose on my surfboard, and was told to put board wax on it to seal it. This doesn't work with a board cover. What is a long term solution? I was thinking epoxy resin? Thanks




  1. take it to a shop

  2. Depends on how far down the nose.  If it is the top couple of inches just cut it off clean and put a fiberglass patch there, you don't really use that part of your board anyway.  If it is farther down have a shop fix it.

  3. I agree with Kim Dude that if it's only a couple inches then I would just cut off anything thats dangling, sand it down smooth and apply a fiberglass patch.  If it's a huge part of the nose then you have to do some more work but it's not that difficult.  

    I found this great website that illustrates how to do this.  If you scroll through this page you will find great illustrations and lots of info on what you will need.

    This is a link to some great ding repair kits for a good price.  Two of the kits are for larger jobs which you might need.

    Good luck!  Hope you get if fixed and get back out there.

    Oh, and I wouldn't take that board out until you fix it proper.  A broken nose like that can lead to serious water damage.

  4. tape or glue

  5. yehh that will do it,,,look up fibreglass repairs,,,there will be sites that will show you detail by detail..

  6. yeah resin would do the trick.   I think you should get it professionaly done though.  I did some self repairs and they didnt turn out too nice.

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