
How do I fix my TV's yellow, white and red AV plugs?

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I was playing xbox 360 on my standard definition tv, when someone 'angry' pulled out the red, yellow and white plugs out the back. They came out, but the little point things stayed in. they are too deep inside for me to pull out with pliers, but i can't think of another way to fix it. Any ideas?

And please no one ask me about the angry person, like saying that i shouldnt be making them angry. and the tv has only one set of the yellow, red and white holes.




  1. xbox 360 on a standard definition tv?  why not just go back to nintendo 64.  seriously, not worth fixing, get a real tv.  haven't you heard the saying, "bringing a knife to a gun fight."  yeah, it's like that.

  2. I think its time you throw your tv in the dump and buy a new one. You can get them very cheap now and if your tv only has one set of A/V plugs, thats really sad. buy a new tv

  3. First off, buy a new TV. Better yet the person that broke it should buy you one.

    If you must fix it though, try this..

    Most likely those pins that broke off are hollow, so get a drill bit thats a lil bigger than the inside of those pins and unplug the TV and let it sit for a while to discharge.

    Then try to run the drill bit into those pins, just don't go to far or you will have to be buying a new TV.

    Once the bit grabs, you should be able to pull it out with the pin attached.

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