
How do I fix my cinder block foundation??

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the mortar has cracked between my blocks on my house's foundation.




  1. It may just need to be re-pointed.  This may not be a DIY project.  Contact a licensed mason to have a look and give you an estimate.

  2. You can squirt some masonry caulk in the crack, Cut the tip and hold your finger over the tip and as you squeeze out the caulk let your finger guide it into the crack, leave your finger over the tip and squeeze and move all in one motion, Let it cure, and you might need to put gutter extensions on so water doesn't roll back down the house.You can see the caulk going into the crack if you look close to what you are doing, This is a neat trick many pros don't even know about. It work well with all caulk, in the bathroom, around doors and windows, kitchen, base boards moldings picture frames Have fun and Yes you can set the guys up, Tell then that you can teach them something they can use and they learned it from you.

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