
How do I fix my crazy life?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently seperated from my husband. I want a divorce, I know I want a divorce, but I everytime he calls me, or sees me he starts crying and begging me to give him another chance. He is a good man, and a good father, but I have lived with him for years and I just can't get over the way he has treated me in the past, and I honestly don't believe that I can change. I have lied to him about "crushing" on a man, and i have lied to him about how much time I spend or have spent with the man. I have come clean about most of the things, but I still can't get the old feelings that I have had back. He tells me that it is because I am spending time around the other man, and it is clouding my judgement. At one time I wanted the other man, I wanted a relationship with him, pretty much developed an emotional relationship with the man, talked on phone, text messaging, etc, but right now I just don't have any kind of lust or want for him either. My husband gets mad when I tell I will not promise to refrain from having any kind of relationship with anyone until we are divorced. I told him that I don't want to make any promises to him that I may not keep. I am not planning on starting any thing, but I do not want to lie to him if I do something. I want good things for him, i do not want him to hurt like he is, but I just do not want him right now, or feel like I will want him later. he tells me that I am not giving him the time to try and make it work, and he is not lying. I just don't know what to do about all these feelings against him. If anyone has any idea please let me know. Thanks.




  1. Wow, that is hard, i am actually going through the same thing. I havent made it far enough to loose feelings though. If you are finding it somewhere else, than you are either unsatisfied with the relationship or s*x. You really cant change your feelings, but if you do love your "husband" than you could start off slow again to build up the bond. But do not have any physical or emotional time for the "other man"

    -hope i could help  

  2. ok if you honestly want to fix this problem then you need to break it off with anyone but your husband you dnt need to feel as close as you do to anyone except your husband..... but as i come from a divorced family i will tell you as a child it was not easy going through life without your mom or dad not always being there and just being honest it well put some mental and emotional scars on your children or child from a divorce

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