
How do I fix my horrible speech?

by  |  earlier

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I know how to talk, and say words fine. The problem is, is that when I talk in sentences, my words get all mixed up, or I stutter, or my mind blanks out to what word I was going to say next. I don't know why I have this issue, I don't remember stuttering years ago, and all that, so I don't know what it could be. If I say one word, I am fine, but when I am talking, my words will get mixed up when I am talking. For instance, if I were to say," How are you doing today?" I might say something stupid, like,"how are lou doing today?" or something else that sounds stupid. I am not special ed or anything, lol. And English is the only language I speak. This problem is more recent.




  1. It sounds like you are getting nervous when you speak. Does this happen with everyone you talk to or just a few?

    I kinda do the same, but I have noticed it is worse when I am tired or stressed. I also find myself starting to say one word and link it to another ie I want to say "leg' but it comes out as "fleg" a cross of foot and leg. This has caused my friends a lot of good natured humour and they joke around to see what weird words I come out with next.

    I also find my tongue gets tied up sometimes and silly sounding words come out.

    So, how can I help you. Well it does help to take a breath before speaking. Practising talking is also good and if you pretend you are on the phone no-one seems to notice. If you are speaking in public, write down the words you will say and practise them alone and in sentences. but most of all, keep your sense of humour, it always gets you through tough embarrassing moments. Good luck.

  2. You may be speaking too fast. There is no need to rush your speech.

    Your words would be better formed and your brain will stay ahead of your mouth so you don't search for words as often.

    Listen to Radio 4 to get some idea of the speed at which others speak.

  3. I think I have a similar problem...I'll keep an eye out for this one!

  4. I have exactly the same problem and it too seems more recent than something I've always had.

    You could try slowing down a bit and planning what you are going to say, this is what I usually do - I also try to guess what the person is going to say next so I can kinda get right in my head what I want to say to that person

    If I have to phone someone I'll always write down notes and prompts so if I have problems I can just glance down and find what I want to say.

    Failing that you can always just apologize and start the sentence again or act like nothing has happened if you do make a mistake!!

    I hope this helps :)

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